The “St. Bernard’s On the Road” initiative features the ongoing availability of St. Bernard's faculty for affordable, in-person talks to parish communities throughout upstate New York. The talks offered represent a convergence of the faculty member’s expertise and the needs of the Church in our time.
Outlined below is information on each presentation and its corresponding presenter. Each talk is $150 and has been prepared as a ninety-minute interactive presentation designed for adult faith enrichment and formation. Talks can be requested at your parish by selecting the "Book This Talk at Your Parish" button, found on each talk page below.
Find upcoming talks at a parish near you here!
Select "Speaker" below if you wish to search for a particular speaker; select "Topic" if you wish to search for a particular topic:
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Confession and Repentance: Our Misery Healed by God’s Mercy
The Sacraments

Being a Woman in the Catholic Church
Sexuality and Christian Anthropology

Mary and the Eucharist
Mary, the Mother of God

Saints Who Loved the Eucharist

Synodality and Co-Responsibility: On the Mission of the Church Today

The Event of Christ and the Heart of Man: Msgr. Luigi Giussani and the Surprising Reasonableness of Faith

Where Does the Problem Really Lie? Contemporary Forms of Secularism

The Song of Songs: The Heart of Sacred Scripture
Sacred Scripture

The Second Vatican Council and Religious Freedom: The Dignity of the Human Person and the Gentle Strength of the Truth
The Second Vatican Council