The Event of Christ and the Heart of Man: Msgr. Luigi Giussani and the Surprising Reasonableness of Faith - St. Bernard's

The Event of Christ and the Heart of Man: Msgr. Luigi Giussani and the Surprising Reasonableness of Faith

As Pope Benedict XVI remarked, Servant of God Msgr. Luigi Giussani (1922 - 2005) understood that Christianity is not primarily a packet of dogmas or ethical rules to follow, but is an encounter, an event, a love story. Yet, while stressing the fundamental dimension of the personal relationship with Christ, Giussani had a keen sense that belonging in and obedience to the Church in her sacramentality is a necessary aspect of a genuinely Catholic Christian experience. This talk explores Giussani's rich ecclesiology, Christological anthropology, and pedagogical genius.

NB: This talk has been prepared as a ninety-minute interactive presentation designed for adult faith enrichment and formation. Those interested in having this presenter visit your parish can book this talk below:

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