Master of Divinity: Beyond Information - St. Bernard's

Master of Divinity: Beyond Information

Jun 4, 2024

Genevieve Schram

Before coming to St. Bernard’s, I was pursuing an MDiv at a charismatic evangelical university. I had recently reverted to Catholicism and was looking for an education that better matched my faith. I was catechized in the 90’s, and while I learned a lot, there were still so many gaps in the understanding of my faith. I decided to pursue a Master of Divinity at a Catholic institution, pulled up the ATS website, and started searching for fully distance, Catholic MDiv programs. That's when I found St. Bernard’s. I loved the fact that the name is the same as my home parish! I did some digging on the internet and found nothing but stellar reviews of the school. I loved the program and was drawn to attend. Being the all-or-nothing person that I am, I put all my eggs in this one basket and applied, hoping I was making the right decision.

The more I prayed about my decision, and the more I interacted with the staff and faculty at St. Bernard’s, the more I was sure that I had made the right choice. Even before starting classes, I knew I found a place that took faith and education seriously, which was vitally important to me. And once I started classes, I found so much more: I found faculty who love God, love the Church, are knowledgeable and passionate about their subject matter, and care deeply for their students. I also found a community. Yes! As a distance learner, I found the impossible: a community of like-minded Catholics eagerly pursuing God, their education, and a more authentic faith walk. Most important of all, I found a place where I can learn about the faith of my youth, so recently re-embraced, and where I can strengthen my spiritual walk.

Working full-time, I have only had the opportunity to complete two courses thus far: Spiritual Formation and Introduction to Theology. Both were fantastic. In Spiritual Formation, I was both challenged and affirmed in my life of prayer. I also had the opportunity to get to know several of the Saints and to understand why they are so important to us. In Introduction to Theology, we defined theology, philosophy, and rhetoric, and learned the basics of the interplay between them. I also gained a solid foundation on the key theological points that undergird the Catholic faith. In both classes, I have grown in knowledge, wisdom, and spirit, as these courses go beyond informational into transformation. I could not be more excited for what lies ahead!

Genevieve Schram is the Administrative Assistant to the Department of Undergraduate Theology at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. A native of Michigan, she grew up in the Diocese of Detroit. She now belongs to St. Bernard’s of Clairvaux Parish in the Diocese of Tulsa, where she hopes to join the choir. Genevieve has a passion for building community, fostering relationships, and discipling young adults, which she has the privilege of doing alongside her various administrative tasks at ORU. Genevieve has a B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Wayne State University, a certificate from Pistis School of Ministry out of Southfield, Michigan, and is pursuing a Master’s of Divinity from St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry.